The basics of cold dough technology apply just as equally to cold dough methods for bread. As a result of the fact that dough pieces with a large volume are involved, then even more attention has to be paid to the connections mentioned.
Wheat bread and speciality bread can be processed using cold dough methods up to a scaling weight of approx. 0.900 kg. A large dough piece requires too long freezing and thawing times in the case of interrupted fermentation. As lower quantities of yeast (1.0 – 2.0 %) are mostly processed in the case of bread than for morning goods, dough pieces for bread can be processed at the usual course of temperature of retarded fermentation together with morning goods in the cold dough installation. But a longer subsequent fermentation time has to be taken into consideration to obtain the required core temperature before baking. The addition of stabilizing improvers, such as STABILASE, for example, is recommended for speciality bread with kernels and seeds in particular.
In the case of doughs with rye, the percentage of rye should be a maximum of 50 % of the total flour quantity. A direct dough method with dried sourdoughs is preferable to an indirect dough method with active sourdough. In this way, a “subsequent acidification” of the dough is avoided. The addition of stabilizing improvers is also recommended for baked goods containing rye. The bread dough pieces are therefore given the necessary fermentation tolerance and the desired volume of baked goods. Modern mixes for speciality bread take the demands of processing via retarded fermentation into consideration.