Dough acidifying agents are available in both a powder form and in a liquid form. The acid contained does not come from sourdough fermentations here, but is introduced via fermentation lactic acid, distilled vinegar or citric acid. The fermentation lactic acid is often formed here from the same lactic acid bacteria strains as they are found in an active sourdough.
In 1930 already, the success of dough acidifying agents began with the product FERTIGSAUER in flour form. Dough acidifying agents have the advantage that, as a result of their high degrees of acidity, they can be used with very low quantities of addition. In practice, dough acidifying agents are added to soaked grain in many cases to make these more microbiologically stable by the lowering of the pH value. Liquid dough acidifying agents have, in comparison to dough acidifying agents in flour form, higher contents of acetic acid.