The boiled grain is used with a percentage of approx. 15 % of coarsely ground grain, groats or whole kernels. The temperature of the boiled grain is 92 – 95° C. For this, the water is brought to the boil. As, due to the addition of rye products, the water temperature falls, boiling has to continue until the final temperature of 92 – 95° C has been attained.
Over and above the thermic starch gelatinization, the enzymes are inactivated here which is of importance to further processing. The quantity of water of the boiled grain has to be considered in the total dough yield, as otherwise larger fluctuations in the dough firmness can occur.
Use of automatic cookers
Different types of automatic cookers have become established in many bakeries to produce fillings and cream batters. In addition, these installations can also be used for the manufacture of boiled grain from milled grain products.
In the production of corresponding boiled grain by means of an automatic cooker, dough yields of 300 – 400 are processed. The milled grain products are mixed with water in the installation and heated continuously 90 – 95° C, whereby all the starch is gelatinized.
In the production of larger quantities of boiled grain, it is recommended to store these in a cool place after cooling and to process within two to three days.