Similar to wheat or rye, spelt flours of different degrees of extraction are used. In Germany, spelt flour type 630 is usually processed. DIN standard 10355 also lists spelt flour 812 and 1050, but these are rarely used in practice (DIN 10355, Milled cereal products – Requirements, types and testing 2017). Other milled spelt products include wholemeal spelt flour, coarse spelt, finely ground, medium and coarsely ground, spelt flakes and spelt semolina. For some years now, „Ruchmehl“ made of spelt has also been increasingly used. „Ruchmehl“ made of spelt is a special, dark-coloured spelt flour containing parts of the spelt grain‘s husk in addition to the inner grain. The term „ruch“ comes from Swiss German and means „rough“ or „coarse“. The flour is, according to its nature, somewhat darker and has a distinctive flavour. The following pictures show the various milled spelt products.