

  1. active

Dinkelberger Wholemeal Bread


Yeast 0.180 kg
Water 7.000 l
Total weight 17.180 kg


Mixing time: approx. 15 minutes slow, spiral mixer
Dough temperature: 28 – 29° C
Bulk fermentation time: approx. 30 minutes
Scaling weight: 0.600 kg for IREKS connected tin; 0.650 kg for IREKS wooden baking mould/panettone mould; 0.900 kg for tin (18 x 10 x 10 cm)
Intermediate proof: none
Instructions for use: After the bulk fermentation time, scale dough pieces of the desired size, process into tin loaves and place in the corresponding tins. Subsequently, flour the upper surface of the dough pieces with spelt flour and allow to prove. Load at almost full final proof, giving slight steam which is allowed to escape after approx. 2 minutes.
Final proof: 50 - 60 minutes
Baking temperature: 240° C, dropping, giving slight steam
Baking time: 55 – 60 minutes, depending on scaling weight (core temperature: 98° C)