Instructions for use: After the bulk fermentation time, fold in 0.250 kg roll-in shortening per kg dough with two single turns and one double turn. It is recommended to observe short relaxation times between the individual turns. Allow the ready-folded dough to relax in the refrigerator for 15 – 20 minutes. Roll the dough out to a thickness of 3.5 mm. Cut triangles of 13 x 23 cm (height x width), roll up into a croissant and allow to prove. At ¾ proof, allow to stiffen, lye with a 1:12 diluted lye and bake giving slight steam. After ⅔ of the baking time, finish baking with opened damper.
Final proof: approx. 60 minutes
Baking temperature: 210° C, giving slight steam
Baking time: 15 – 17 minutes
General hint: For the pretzel lye used, please note the safety instructions on the label or on the safety data sheet of the manufacturer respectively.
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