
Triangle test

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The triangle test is a very popular and frequently used process. It can be carried out simply and rapidly. One disadvantage is that little is known about the test product.

The triangle test is used in the case of the following questions, for example:
Do altered recipe components, manufacturing parameters or different manufacturing processes have an effect on the product?

When this is carried out, two samples (A and B) are compared to one another. Here, the test can be set up as follows:

When testing, the question is: Which is the deviating sample?
The correct statements are added and evaluated statistically.

How can the results be interpreted correctly?

a) There is a significant difference  – a statement, which deviation is ascertained, such as smell, taste or texture, for example, is not possible here

b) There is no significant difference, the samples cannot be matched – vice versa, this does not mean that no difference exists