A mobile dipping device such as the “Tauchboy” is suitable for smaller quantities of pretzels. Here, the pretzels are turned over the lye bath with a tilting device and pressed into the lye with a grid. Afterwards, the lye-treated dough pieces are turned back onto the tray and baked. An output of approx. 800 pieces per day is possible. The equipment shown in the four illustrations below is provided with a lye shower device. Here, the lye is pumped from a tank via the feed to a shower device. The advantage of this device is that the lye can be optimally tempered and heated in the tank at the same time and there is hardly any contact with the lye as a hazardous substance. The dough pieces are then automatically moved through a lye shower on a conveyor belt and then deposited on a tray. Depending on the design and equipment of such plants, several thousand pretzels can be treated with lye daily.