When compiling recipes, the correct ratio of the ingredients to one another matters. Over and above, the different recipe components require an individual quantity of water to achieve optimum dough properties. The following calculations help to ascertain the correct ratio.
Calculation of the dough size from the dough yield
Details on the calculation of the dough yield
Calculation of the flour quantity from the dough size (gross dough yield)
Example recipe for the gross dough yield
Details on the calculation of the gross dough yield
Calculation of the flour quantity from the number of pieces
Production of 47 loaves with the scaling weight of 1.250 kg each
Calculation of the addition of liquid
The required addition of liquid of a dough can be calculated with the following formula:
Example recipe for the calculation of the quantity of the addition of liquid
Production of rolls, 20 times 1.800 kg each (30 pieces of 0.060 kg).
Required dough size: 20 x 1.800 kg = 36.000 kg
How high is the addition of liquid?
Details for the calculation of the addition of liquid
Alternatively, the flour quantity can also be calculated.